Did you know that just like milk, makeup has an expiration date? Most days I put on eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick and never think about the expiration date of the makeup until recently when I got an irritation around my eye. I realized it was a product causing the irritation. The hardest part of being a makeup lover and owning plenty of cosmetics is having to part with your favorite blush, lipsticks, and eyeliners when their expiration dates approach. I know that throwing away your makeup when there is still product left can be painful. However, there is a reason we should not hold onto our favorite products forever. We all probably have beauty products that are at least a couple of years old, and it is hard to even remember when we first started using them. If a beauty product has passed its expiration date, your skin might react to it. This could cause irritation and redness. Bacteria can quickly spread and result in breakouts or other problems. Some suggestions for you are to:

  • Check an expiration date

  • Keep products in a cool, dry place that is not in direct sunlight

  • Do not share makeup or skin care products with others

  • Use and clean the spatulas that come with your products or switch to using q-tips to scoop out your product

• Only open a new product if you plan on using it for a while.

As a general rule, if your beauty products suddenly start to smell weird or change color or consistency, throw them away! If you store and clean your beauty products carefully, you should be able to use them for several more months. To keep your make up up to date, plan to sort your supplies twice a year, throwing away any questionable products.